
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Has going "green" lost it's meaning?

I just read an article in a local magazine and it got me wondering...Has going green lost it's meaning? Don't get me wrong, I am not up on all aspects of being green, but I do make an effort in my everyday life. I keep reading articles in magazines on how to host a green wedding. It seems that the main thing the authors dwell on is using local growers (good start), using "freindly" ink on stationary, and using bamboo utensils. Wouldn't using the stainless that a caterer has be the most friendly thing to do? I think that green is losing it's meaning in so many ways. Most weddings are already green by the fact that we use washable flatwear, washable linens, washable china, and washable glasses. I can't tell you the last time I had a wedding that disposable ANYTHING! We have even gone to washable cocktail napkins. I just wonder if some vedors are advertising themselves as "green" vendors and really mean it. I fully beleive in your enviromenatal footprint, I just hope that it goes on past your wedding day.


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